Spring 2018 MEDREN Courses
*Canceled* MEDREN 2618, “Travel and Exploration”
Description: Intercultural contact between Europe (Spain, Portugal, and other nations) and the 'New Worlds' is explored through early modern narratives of travel, conquest, shipwrecks, and captivity.
Class: 34846
Time: Wed/Fri 9:35AM - 11:55AM
Room: Denney Hall 202
Instructor: Christian Supiot (Spanish and Portuguese)
Required Texts: TBD
MEDREN 2666, "Magic and Witchcraft"
In this interdisciplinary course, students will explore the history and culture of witchcraft and magic from ca. 400 to 1700 C.E. within sociological, religious, and intellectual contexts. As students gain basic knowledge of the history of witchcraft and magic during these periods (both actual practice and contemporary beliefs about that practice), they will develop some ability to understand why these practices and beliefs developed as they did and what societal and cultural needs drove them.
Readings for the course will be mainly primary materials—that is, treatises, trial transcripts, statutes, and literature from the medieval and early modern periods, as well as some biblical and classical background texts. The main textbook will be The Witchcraft Sourcebook, ed. Brian Levack (Routledge 2004); you will also need copies of Medea and Doctor Faustus (Dover editions). Additional short readings and lecture outlines will be posted on Canvas for you to print before class each day. We will be watching several movies in class, as well as discussing film clips and magic/witchcraft-themed music.
Grades will be based on attendance (10% of your final grade), three multiple choice quizzes (20% each), and a comprehensive final exam (multiple choice and one essay, 30%). Students will also be expected to participate in weekly on-line discussions; the grade for this activity can be used to replace the lowest quiz grade.
Class: 33879
Time: Tues/Thurs 11:10AM - 12:30AM
Room: Hagerty Hall 180
Instructor: Kristen Figg
MEDREN 5631, “Medieval Latin”
Description: Intermediate and advanced Latin students will hone their translation skills while exploring how students in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages studied Latin language and literature.
Class: 29220 (UG), 29221 (G)
Time: Tues 12:45PM - 2:05PM, Thurs 12:45 - 1:55
Room: Derby Hall 060
Instructor: Leslie Lockett (English)
Required Texts: 1. Andrew Rabin and Liam Felsen, eds., The Disputatio puerorum: A Ninth-Century Monastic Instructional Text (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2017). ISBN 978-0-88844-484-4.
MEDREN 5695, "Seminar: Arthurian Legends"
Description: This course will explore the rich tradition of Arthurian Literature that flourished in the Middle Ages and continues to thrive in modern popular culture. We will sample a few of the earliest accounts of King Arthur in British histories, then look at the development of some of the most famous Arthur legends, including the quest for the holy grail and the tragic love stories of Tristan and Isolde and of Lancelot and Guenivere. Authors to be read will include Geoffrey of Monmouth, Chrétien de Troyes, Marie de France, and Thomas Malory. We will also consider the incarnation of Arthurian characters and themes in modern literature and film. Requirements will include a midterm, final exam, and research paper.
Class: 29216 (UG), 29215 (G)
Time: Wed/Fri 12:45PM - 2:05PM
Room: Enarson Classroom 015
Instructor: Ethan Knapp (English)
Required Texts: TBD
MEDREN 7899, "Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia"
Description: This course consists of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions or preceding "open forum" events. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ CMRS lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture, plus subsequent (or preceding) discussion sessions (total = approx. 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with MRGSA and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (e.g. attendance at appropriate conferences, on or off campus; other relevant lectures hosted by OSU units if CMRS colloquia are not scheduled) may be substituted.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 17009*
Time: Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Room: 070/090 18th Ave. Library
Instructor: TBD
MEDREN 4193, 8193 – Individual Studies
Description: Students may register for individual directed study under this number for work not normally offered in courses.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Class: TBD
Find out more information about the Center’s Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization and Graduate Certificate programs.
*Enrollment open to graduate students, undergraduate students only with permission from the Center and the Graduate School. Attendance based upon lecture series schedule; see the CMRS Events webpage for more information.