Minor • Major • ELOs • Assessment • MEDREN Courses
Program Requirements
Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (15 units*)
A minimum of 15 units, with the following distribution criteria must be met:
- Courses must be selected from the Center’s list of approved courses**;
- Courses must be offered by departments other than the department of your major;
- Courses must be chosen from the list of approved courses according to the following breakdown in credit hours:
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies courses (6 units)
- Text-based courses (3 units)
- Civilization courses (3 units)
- Art courses (3 units);
- At least 9 units must be taken in courses at the 3000 level and above, 6 units may be at the 2000 level;
- Credit for individual study and workshop courses may not exceed three units; AND
- Credits from seminars and special topics courses offered by affiliated departments may count toward the degree upon approval by the CMRS advisor.
Major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies (33 units*)
- 6 units (2 courses) in MRS core courses (that is, courses under the "MEDREN" header).
- 3 units in MEDREN 5695, a senior seminar and Third Writing Course.
- 6 units (2 courses) in a foreign language pertinent to Medieval and Renaissance Studies beyond the 1103 level (may be language or literature, excluding courses without language prerequisites).
- 18 units in approved Medieval and Renaissance courses** from at least two CMRS affiliate departments, selected according to individual area of concentration, with no more than 3 units at 2000 level
- Students pursuing double majors, and intending to earn a single diploma at graduation, must complete 18 semester-hours of coursework that is unique to each major. Up to 9 semester-hours of coursework may count toward both programs and ‘overlap’ the two majors (assuming the availability of relevant courses).
Expected Learning Outcomes for Majors
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies Majors will demonstrate a broad, interdisciplinary appreciation of the history and culture of the Medieval and Renaissance world.
- Students demonstrate skill at critical thinking through the study of diverse disciplines and languages.
- Students demonstrate skill at utilization of primary and secondary sources.
- Students demonstrate the capacity to express themselves and to exercise sharpened communication skills in exams, papers, and discussions.
Assessment Methods for Majors
We evaluate how our majors achieve these goals in several different ways:
- Successful completion of the required coursework.
- Completion of an exit survey giving a self-evaluation of these goals.
- All majors should earn a B or higher in the 5695 capstone course.
- Papers written by majors in the Medieval 5695 capstone courses are evaluated anonymously by a faculty committee for:
- interdisciplinary perspectives
- use of methodologies from at least 2 sub-fields
- critical thinking skills
- research methods and bibliographic skills
- effective use of both primary and secondary sources
- effective self-expression
- ability to argue a problem clearly
Majors are encouraged to engage in research and to participate in the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, Arts and Humanities Undergraduate Research Colloquium, and undergraduate conferences.
* Special Note: Credits are calculated for the semester system. The semester conversion will not reduce the proportionate value of work completed during the quarter system. Courses taken under the quarter system will count toward the degree in the same manner as semester courses, with the credit hours converted according to the 2/3 formula. Students who have begun their degrees under the quarter system will not be delayed in their progress toward graduation on account of the transition to semesters. Students should meet with the CMRS advisor (the associate director of the Center) to design their individual plans.
** To view approved interdepartmental courses please view our 'Courses' page.