Autumn 2025 CMRS Course Listings:

MedRen 2666 - Magic & Witchcraft
Instructor: Johnston, Sarah Iles, MWF 10:20 – 11:15 AM, Room: TBD, Class Number: 27031
Investigate the history of magic and witchcraft from late antiquity through the 18th century, when the Enlightenment supposedly disenchanted the world. Explore how people thought about magic and what it could (and couldn’t) do, how people regarded "magic casters," and how magic relates to religion and science.
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course

MedRen 3211 - Medieval Kyoto
Instructor: Fukumori, Naomi, TR 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM, 131 Mendenhall, Class Number: 35895
Kyoto was the capital of Japan from the eighth to the nineteenth centuries. Today it continues to be the site of many temples, shrines, gardens, and other cultural monuments that attest to Kyoto’s enduring cultural practices and values.
This course specifically focuses on the city’s medieval period, from its founding in 794 to the late 16th century. This was a period in which Kyoto’s cultural identity emerged, and, in view of Kyoto as the site of national authority during this duration, the broader Japanese cultural identity. Studying this timespan in the life of Kyoto lets us follow transformations in the lived environments of the city as it moves from imperial to shōgun military rule. By examining literary and other works of art, we’ll also address similar cultural transformations involving aristocrats, warriors, Buddhist institutions, and merchants. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on practices of urban historical preservation through the contemporary efforts of Kyoto’s citizens to preserve the heritage of the city.
(New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies
(Legacy) Cultures and Ideas; Diversity: Global Studies

MEDREN 4504 - Arthurian Legends
Instructors: Knapp, Ethan, Edwin Hugh, TR 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM, 206 Denney Hall, Class Number: 28167
In this course, we will encounter the wild and crazy heroes of the complex Arthurian tradition that flourished during the Middle Ages, such as Merlin, Lancelot, Gawain, Guinevere, the Lady of the Lake, and Morgan le Fay. Though our focus is the Middle Ages, we will also consider the ongoing modernization of Arthurian characters, stories, and themes in literature, games, and film and the use of Arthurian materials in conversations about race, gender, sexuality, and more.

MEDREN - 5611 - History of the Book (Combined Section Course)
Instructor: Brewer, David A, TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM, Main Library 150B, Class number: 35726
This course will investigate books and their uses (not all of which involved reading) from the invention of moveable type in the 1450s to the advent of steam-powered printing and paper manufacture in the 1810s (roughly 1450 to 1820). We’ll range widely in terms of genre, language, and price point and pay close attention to books both as material objects and as bearers of text. The course will be entirely embedded in the collections of OSU’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Library (RBML), which means that you’ll have the chance to examine and work with hundreds of books over the course of the semester, ranging from ephemera to now monumental (and very expensive) first editions of canonical literature, science, and scripture. At the close of the semester, the class will collectively curate a public exhibition of material from the RBML, giving you the opportunity to engage in a more public-facing form of the humanities than most classes provide.

MEDREN 7899 - Med/Ren Colloquia
Instructor: Highley, Christopher Frank, F 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Room: TBD, Course Number: 18525
Autumn 2025 CMRS-Affiliated Courses
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 8618
Time: WF 9:35 AM -10:55 AM
Room: University Hall 014
Instructor: Gannon, Todd N
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 36653
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 36654
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 36655
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 36656
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ARCH 5110 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 8653
Time: WF 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: University Hall 014
Instructor: Gannon, Todd N
Course: ARCH 5110E Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Arch History 1
Lecture: 8619
Time: WF 9:35 AM -10:55 AM
Room: University Hall 014
Instructor: Gannon, Todd N
Course: CHINESE 2231 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Trad Chin Cult
Time: WF 11:10 AM -12:30 PM
Lecture: 26972
Room: Derby 080
Instructor: Xie, Zhiguo
Course: CHINESE 2231 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Trad Chin Cult
Lecture: 26972
Time: WF 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Derby 080
Instructor: Klie, Hunter Douglas
Course: CHINESE 5111 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Chn 1
Lecture: 25288
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Journalism 221
Instructor: Goh, Meow Hui
Course: CHINESE 5111 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classicl Chn 1
Lecture: 25289
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Journalism 221
Instructor: Goh, Meow Hui
Course: CHINESE 6451 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Hist Lit 1
Lecture: 36052
Time: WF 3:55 PM- 5:15 PM
Room: Hagerty 045
Instructor: Goh, Meow Hui
Course: CLAS 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Class Civil Greece
Lecture: 16300
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Page 020
Instructor: Hawkins, Thomas Richard
Course: CLAS 2201H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Class Civil Greece
Lecture: 26670
Time: MWF 09:10 AM - 10:05 AM
Room: University Hall 056
Instructor: TBD
Course: CLAS 2202 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Class Civil Rome
Lecture: 22640
Time: WF 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Page 020
Instructor: Hawkins, Julia Nelson
Course: CLAS 2202H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Class Civil Rome
Lecture: 28227
Time: MWF 10:20 AM. - 11:15 AM
Room: University Hall 056
Instructor: TBD
Course: CLAS 2220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 16301
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: TBD
Course: CLAS 2220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 35099
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: CLAS 2220H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 16304
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Enarson Classroom 326
Instructor: Coulson, Frank Thomas
Course: CLAS 2220H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 28228
Time: TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Enarson Classroom 258
Instructor: Hawkins, Thomas Richard
Course: CLAS 2220H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 28629
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 02:05 PM
Room: University Hall 043
Instructor: TBD
Course: CLAS 2301 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRAD Type: Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Arch
Lecture: 36014
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Fullerton, Mark
Course: CLAS 3223 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRAD Type: Type: LEC
Course Description: Late Roman Empire
Lecture: 36437
Time: F 10:20 PM – 11:20 AM
Room: University Hall 448
Instructor: Ross, Alan James
Course: CLAS 3223 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRAD Type: Type: LEC
Course Description: Late Roman Empire
Lecture: 35101
Time: F 9:10 – 10:05 AM
Room: University Hall 448
Instructor: Ross, Alan James
Course: CLAS 7893 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: Type: SEM
Course Description: Grk/Rom Rel & Myth
Lecture: 35105
Time: W 02:15 PM - 05:00 PM
Room: University Hall 448
Instructor: Johnston, Sarah Iles
Course: COMPSTD 2350 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Folklore
Lecture: 23397
Time: WF 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: University Hall 060
Instructor: TBD
Course: COMPSTD 2350 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Folklore
Lecture: 28906
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Instructor: TBD
Course: COMPSTD 2350H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Folklore
Lecture: 26731
Time: TR 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Enarson 206
Instructor: Kaplan, Merrill
Course: CRPLAN 6000 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Planning History
Lecture: 8029
Time: TR 8:00 AM - 9:20 AM
Room: Knowlton 175
Instructor: Conroy, Maria M
Course: DANCE 2401 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Concert Dance
Lecture: 16706
Time: MW3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Hagerty 050
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Brit Lit: Med-1800
Lecture: 17573
Time: WF 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM
Room: Hayes Hall 024
Instructor: Lockett, Leslie Claire
Course: ENGLISH 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Brit Lit: Med-1800
Lecture: 17575
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Brit Lit: Med-1800
Lecture: 25507
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Shakespeare
Lecture: 17577
Time: WF 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Denney 250
Instructor: Farmer, Alan Bryan
Course: ENGLISH 2220H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: SEM
Course Description: Intro Shakespeare
Lecture: 17578
Time: TR 03:55 PM - 05:15 PM
Room: Denney 245
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2270 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro to Folklore
Lecture: 25687
Time: WF 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: 060
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2270 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro to Folklore
Lecture: 28908
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2270H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: SEM
Course Description: Intro to Folklore
Lecture: 28214
Time: TR 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Enarson 206
Instructor: Kaplan, Merrill
Course: ENGLISH 2280 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: The English Bible
Lecture: 26594
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Smith Lab 1042
Instructor: Hamlin, Hannibal
Course: ENGLISH 4520.01 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Shakespeare
Lecture: 28219
Time: TR 2:20 PM 3:40 PM
Room: Denney 245
Instructor: Highley, Christopher Frank
Course: ENGLISH 5710.01 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Intro Old English
Lecture: 22549
Time: WF 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Denney 268
Instructor: Lockett, Leslie Claire
Course: ENGLISH 5710.01 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: SEM
Course Description: Intro Old English
Lecture: 17604
Time: WF 9:35 AM- 10:55 AM
Room: Denney 268
Instructor: Lockett, Leslie Claire
Course: ENGLISH 5710.02 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Intro Old English
Lecture: 17605
Time: WF 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Denney 268
Instructor: Lockett, Leslie Claire
Course: ENGLISH 5722.01 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Grad Ren Poetry
Lecture: 36737
Time: TR 12:45 – 2:05 PM
Room: Denney 447
Instructor: Neville, Sarah
Course: ENGLISH 5722.02 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Grad Ren Poetry
Lecture: 36740
Time: TR 12:45 – 2:05 PM
Room: Denney 447
Instructor: Neville, Sarah
Course: ENGLISH 7827.02 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Engl Renaissnc Lit
Lecture: 36627
Time: R 12:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: GREEK 6891 Study Hours: 4
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Greek Survey1
Lecture: 35109
Time: TR 11:45 AM - 1:35 PM
Room: University Hall 448
Instructor: Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin
Course: HEBREW 2700 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Hebrew Bible
Lecture: 35633
Time: TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Page 010
Instructor: Moore, James Dryden
Course: HEBREW 3704 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Women in Bib Lit
Lecture: 27040
Time: TR 7:05 PM - 8:25 PM
Room: Hagerty 050
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1
Lecture: 25346
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Adams, Kristen Irvine
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1
Lecture: 27024
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2001H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1 H
Lecture: 35328
Time: MW 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Cunz 180
Instructor: Schellinger, Sarah
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17784
Time: MW 10:20 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: Jennings 355
Instructor: Shelton, Andrew C
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17784
Time: MW 10:20 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: Jennings 355
Instructor: Shelton, Andrew C
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17785
Time: F 10:20 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: Caldwell 133
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17785
Time: F 10:20 AM 11:15 AM
Room: Caldwell 133
Instructor: Shelton, Andrew C
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17786
Time: F11:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Room: Caldwell 133
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 17786
Time: F 11:30 AM 12:25 PM
Room: Caldwell 133
Instructor: Shelton, Andrew C
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 2
Lecture: 21331
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Patterson, Jody
Course: HISTART 2002H Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 2 H
Lecture: 35331
Time: WF 11:10 AM 12:30 PM
Room: Lazenby 001
Instructor: Defossez, Julie Lauren
Course: HISTART 2003 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: East Asian Art
Lecture: 17787
Time: MW 11:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Room: Scott Lab E125
Instructor: Mathison, Christina Wei-Szu Burke
Course: HISTART 2003 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: East Asian Art
Lecture: 25945
Time: F 10:20 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: Jennings 136
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2003 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: East Asian Art
Lecture: 25945
Time: F 10:20 AM - 11:15 AM
Room: Jennings 136
Instructor: Mathison, Christina Wei-Szu Burke
Course: HISTART 2003 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: East Asian Art
Lecture: 25946
Time: F 11:30 AM 12:25 PM
Room: Jennings 160
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTART 2003 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: East Asian Art
Lecture: 25946
Time: F 11:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Room: Jennings 160
Instructor: Mathison, Christina Wei-Szu Burke
Course: HISTART 2301 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Arch
Lecture: 36014
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Fullerton, Mark David
Course: HISTART 3010 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Gndr Stds Euro Art
Lecture: 29298
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Whittington, Karl Peter
Course: HISTART 3521 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Renaissance Art
Lecture: 25772
Time: MW 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Journalism 239
Instructor: Adams, Kristen Irvine
Course: HISTART 4541 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description:17 C. Art Itly/Spn
Lecture: 35897
Time: MW 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Hayes Hall 024
Instructor: Adams, Kristen Irvine
Course: HISTART 4810 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: The Arts of China
Lecture: 28932
Time: TR 2:20 PM 3:40 PM
Room: Journalism 304
Instructor: Mathison, Christina, Wei-Szu Burke
Course: HISTART 4820 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: The Arts of Japan
Lecture: 35344
Time: TR 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM
Room: Denney 206
Instructor: Slater, Hannah Lynn
Course: HISTORY 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: MultipleAmericas1
Lecture: 27268
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: Grimsley, Christopher Mark
Course: HISTORY 2221 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: IntroNewTestmt
Lecture: 26375
Time: MWF 10:20 AM -11:15 AM
Room: Ramseyer 100
Instructor: Harrill, James Albert
Course: HISTORY 2221E Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: IntroNewTestmt
Lecture: 27777
Time: TBD
Room: TBD
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTORY 2701 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: History of Tech
Lecture: 26328
Time: WF 12:45 PM 2:05 PM
Room: Journalism 304
Instructor: TBD
Course: HISTORY 2702 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Food World History
Lecture: 25766
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Evans Lab 2004
Instructor: Otter, Christopher James
Course: HISTORY 2703 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Health & Disease
Lecture: 26621
Time: MWF 9:10 AM - 10:05 AM
Room: Evans Lab 2004
Instructor: Jones, Marian Moser
Course: HISTORY 3218 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: ApostPaul&Chrstnty
Lecture: 35441
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Time: TBD
Room: Enarson Classroom 330
Instructor: Harrill, James Albert
Course: HISTORY 3232 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: CrimeMdvlEurope
Lecture: 35442
Time: WF 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Cunz 150
Instructor: Butler, Sara M
Course: HISTORY 3245 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Reformation
Lecture: 35443
Time: T 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Stillman 235
Instructor: Brakke, David Bernhard
Course: HISTORY 3247 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Magic & Witchcraft
Lecture: 27343
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Baker Systems 120
Instructor: Goldish, Matthew D
Course: HISTORY 3711 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Sci&SocEarlyEuro
Lecture: 27017
Time: TR 2:20 PM -3:40 PM
Room: Enarson 254
Instructor: Goldish, Matthew D
Course: HISTORY 4217 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: SEM
Course Description: Sem Late Antiqty
Lecture: 35486
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Dulles 024
Instructor: Sessa, Kristina Marie
Course: HISTORY 5229 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Sp Top AncChrstnty
Lecture: 36682
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Enarson 330
Instructor: Harrill, James Albert
Course: HISTORY 7230 Study Hours: 1
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Medieval History
Lecture: 35730
Time: M 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Butler, Sara M
Course: ITALIAN 3051 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Ital Romances
Lecture: 28858
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Hagerty 050
Instructor: Combs-Schilling, Jonathan David
Course: ITALIAN 3220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Italian Culture
Lecture: 35181
Time: TR 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: Hagerty 251
Instructor: Combs-Schilling, Jonathan David
Course: JAPANSE 2231 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Elements Of Cultur
Lecture: 17815
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Ramseyer 009
Instructor: Moore, Keita Carey
Course: JAPANSE 2451 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Lit in translation
Lecture: 35864
Time: TR 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Denney 253
Instructor: Fukumori, Naomi
Course: JEWSHST 2700 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Hebrew Bible
Lecture: 25459
Time: TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Page 010
Instructor: Moore, James Dryden
Course: JEWSHST 3704 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Women in Bib Lit
Lecture: 27041
Time: TR 7:05 – 8:25 PM
Room: Hagerty 050
Instructor: Moore, James Dryden
Course: KOREAN 2231 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Elem Korean Cultur
Lecture: 25720
Time: TR 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: Mendenhall 191
Instructor: Kim, Hayana
Course: KOREAN 5453 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Literary&Clas Txt
Lecture: 35937
Time: M 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Denney 207
Instructor: Kim, Pil Ho
Course: KOREAN 5453 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Literary&Clas Txt
Lecture: 35938
Time: M 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Denney 207
Instructor: Kim, Pil Ho
Course: LING 5901 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Historical
Lecture: 35322
Time: MW 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Oxley 103
Instructor: Dawson, Hope Christine
Course: LING 5901 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro Historical
Lecture: 35323
Time: MW 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Oxley 103
Instructor: Dawson, Hope Christine
Course: NELC 3111 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Ancient Empires
Lecture: 36417
Time: MWF 11:30 AM – 12:25 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Schellinger, Sarah
Course: PHILOS 2120 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Asian Philosophies
Lecture: 24368
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Hagerty 180
Instructor: Brown,Steven G
Course: PHILOS 2120 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Asian Philosophies
Lecture: 26224
Time: WF 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: Denney 250
Instructor: Jones, Erich Matthew
Course: PHILOS 3230 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Hist 17th-Cen Phil
Lecture: 35251
Time: TR 12:45 PM - 2:05 PM
Room: University Hall 56
Instructor: Downing, Lisa J
Course: PORTGSE 5510 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: LEC
Course Description: Lit Port MA to Neo
Lecture: 35768
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Enarson 340
Instructor: Costigan, Lucia Helena
Course: PORTGSE 5510 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Lit Port MA to Neo
Lecture: 35769
Time: TR 11:10 AM 12:30 PM
Room: Enarson 340
Instructor: Costigan, Lucia Helena
Course: RUSSIAN 5701 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRD Type: LEC
Course Description: History of Russ 1
Lecture: 35297
Time: WF 02:20 - 03:40 PM
Room: Hagerty 050
Instructor: Collins, Daniel Enright
Course: SPANISH 2332 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Intro An/Amaz Cult
Lecture: 35810
Time: TR 2:20 PM.- 3:40 PM
Room: Hopkins 246
Instructor: Wibbelsman, Michelle Cecilia
Course: SPANISH 4555 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Colonial Lit Sp Am
Lecture: 35799
Time: TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Hagerty 159
Instructor: Costigan, Lucia Helena
Course: SPANISH 4555E Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Colonial Lit Sp Am
Lecture: 35800
Time: TR 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM
Room: Hagerty 159
Instructor: Costigan, Lucia Helena
Course: THEATRE 3731 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Hist Perf 1
Lecture: 21251
Time: TR 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: TFM 215
Instructor: TBD
Course: ENGLISH 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: LMA Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Brit Lit: Med-1800
Lecture: 36127
Time: MW 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Hines, Zachary R
Course: HISTORY 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: LMA Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: MultipleAmericas1
Lecture: 14864
Time: MW 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Himebaugh, Brian A
Course: HISTORY 2651 Study Hours: 3
Campus: LMA Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Pre-Mod World Hist
Lecture: 28771
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Helfferich,Tryntje
Course: HISTORY 3245 Study Hours: 3
Campus: LMA Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Reformation
Lecture: 36146
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Helfferich, Tryntje
Course: ENGLISH 2202 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MNS Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Brit Lit: 1800 – Prst
Lecture: 36325
Time: MW 03:25- 04:45 PM
Room: Online
Instructor: Kantor, Jamison B
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MNS Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1
Lecture: 14898
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Adams, Kristen Irvine
Course: HISTORY 2202 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MNS Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Medieval History
Lecture: 26657
Time: MW 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Tanner, Heather Jean
Course: HISTORY 3229 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MNS Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Early Christianity
Lecture: 28458
Time: MW 1:50 PM - 3:10 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Tanner, Heather Jean
Course: HISTORY 3231 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MNS Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: MdvlMonsters
Lecture: 35312
Time: MW 11:10 AM -12:30 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Tanner, Heather Jean
Course: CLAS 2220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MRN Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Classical Mytholgy
Lecture: 14942
Time: TR 1:50 PM - 3:10 PM
Room: Online
Instructor: Rask, Katherine Ann
Course: HISTORY 2651 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MRN Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Pre-Mod World Hist
Lecture: 25958
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Respess, Amanda S
Course: ENGLISH 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Brit Lit: Med-1800
Lecture: 36368
Time: TR 9:35 AM 10:55 AM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Weiser, Elizabeth
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1
Lecture: 25382
Time: TR 3:55 PM - 5:15 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Calhoun, Robert
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art 1
Lecture: 26049
Time: TR 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Calhoun, Robert
Course: HISTORY 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: MultipleAmericas1
Lecture: 15062
Time: MW 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Mangus, Michael Stuart
Course: HISTORY 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: MultipleAmericas1
Lecture: 15063
Time: Online
Room: Online
Instructor: Mangus, Michael Stuart
Course: HISTORY 2702 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Food World History
Lecture: 27191
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Weeks, James H.
Course: HISTORY 3247 Study Hours: 3
Campus: NWK Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Magic & Witchcraft
Lecture: 36376
Time: TR 2:20 PM 3:40 PM
Room: TBD
Instructor: Dillenburg, Elizabeth A
Summer 2025 CMRS-Affiliated Courses
Course: CLAS 2220 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Classical Mythology
Class #: 10581
Instructor: TBA
Course: ENGLISH 4450 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Literature and Culture of London
Lecture: 21797
Time: TBA
Instructors: Christopher Highley, Zachary Hines
Course: ENGLISH 5722.01 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: GRAD Type: SEM
Course Description: Graduate Studies in Renaissance Poetry
Lecture: 17839
Time: TBA
Room: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Course: HISTORY 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: MARION Program: UGRD Type: REC
Course Description: Multiple Americas: US History from Colonialism to Reconstruction
Lecture: 10579
Instructor: Greyson Teague
Course: HISTORY 2201 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Ancient Greece and Rome
Lecture: 17870
Instructor: Peter Vanderpuy
Course: HISTORY 2701 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: History of Technology
Lecture: 17871
Instructor: Dylan Cahn
Course: HISTORY 2702 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Food in World History
Lecture: 17328
Instructor: Dylan Cahn
Lecture: 22023
Instructor: Ellen Arnold
Course: HISTORY 2703 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: History of Public Health, Medicine and Disease
Lecture: 22007
Instructor: James Esposito
Course: HISTORY 3247 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (1450-1750)
Lecture: 22028
Instructor: Jordan Schoonover
Course: HISTART 2001 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art I: Ancient and Medieval Worlds
Lecture: 13442
Instructor: TBA
Course: HISTART 2002 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Western Art II: The Renaissance to the Present
Lecture: 17311
Instructor: TBA
Lecture: 17895 (MANSFIELD CAMPUS)
Instructor: TBA
Course: HISTART 3010 Study Hours: 3
Campus: COL Program: UGRD Type: LEC
Course Description: Gender and Sexuality in European Art
Lecture: 18309
Instructor: TBA
Past CMRS-Affiliated Courses
Spring 2025 Affiliated Course Listing
This downloadable, screen-reader accessible list shows all the courses in SP25 that will apply to the CMRS major or minor. Please contact the CMRS advisor with any questions.

MedRen 2618 - Travel and Exploration: Narratives of Travel and Intercultural Contact in the Age of Discovery
Instructor: Jonathan Burgoyne, WF: 11:10AM-12:30PM, 050 Hagerty Hall, Class Number: 36005
In Travel and Exploration: Narratives of Travel and Intercultural Contact in the Age of Discovery we will not only explore victorious accounts of discovery and conquest, but also tales of failed expeditions, shipwrecks and captivity. To do so, we will study narratives produced by the Portuguese and their main competitors in European imperial expansion, particularly the Spanish, English and French.
GE Foundations (New): Historical and Cultural Studies
GE (Legacy): Culture and Ideas and Diversity – Global Studies
Required Textbooks: TBD

MedRen 3217 - Shakespeare's London
Instructor: Chris Highley, TuTh: 2:20PM-3:40PM, 082 University Hall, Class Number: 35830
This course will explore roughly one-and-a-half centuries of the history, politics and culture of London, beginning with the religious upheavals of the Protestant Reformation, moving on to a Civil War that saw the Kifng lose his head and culminating with the devastating plague and Great Fire of London in 1666. In our tour of this vibrant metropolis, we will encounter an extraordinary range of figures: alongside the great and the good like Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare, we will also meet prostitutes, vagabonds and gulls (!). You’ll become familiar with the layout and buildings of London, its churches and cathedrals, its palaces and thoroughfares and of course its iconic river Thames. We will linger especially around the theatres, bear gardens, alehouses and brothels that made up London’s burgeoning entertainment industry.
GE Theme (New): Lived Environments
GE (Legacy): Culture and Ideas and Diversity – Global Studies
Required Books:
Jonson, Ben, George Chapman and John Marston. Eastward Ho! Edited by C.G. Petter. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN-13: 9781408144145R365 (365-day e-book rental)

MedRen 5695 - The Dire Sisterhood: Women of Norse Myth and Legend
Instructor: Merrill Kaplan, TuTh: 9:35AM-10:55PM 455 Hagerty Hall, Class Number: UG: 35163 G: 25164
Goddesses. Prophetesses. Wronged lovers. Patrons of war. Meet the ladies of Norse mythology and heroic legend in the medieval Icelandic poetry and prose that tells their tales. Students will read lays from the 13th-century Poetic Edda to learn about the distaff side of the Old Norse mytho-legendary tradition, focusing on the poems that let queens, valkyries, ogresses, and other women speak for themselves. Students will also engage with peer-reviewed scholarship and develop their own research paper topics. All readings are in English.
Required Books:
Larrington, Carolyn, trans. The Poetic Edda. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN-13: 9780199675340 (paperback), 9780191662935 (e-book purchase), 9780191662935R180 (180-day e-book rental), 9780191662935R365 (365-day e-book rental)
Friðriksdóttir, Jóhanna Katrín. Valkyrie: The Women of the Viking World. London: Bloomsbury, 2021. ISBN-13: 9781350230309 (paperback), 9781350137103 (e-book purchase), 9781350137103R180 (180-day e-book rental), 9781350137103R365 (365-day e-book rental)
MedRen 2666 - Magic & Witchcraft

This course will investigate the history of magic and witchcraft from late antiquity up through the eighteenth century, when the Enlightenment supposedly disenchanted the world. We’ll be particularly attentive to three questions: how people thought about magic and what it could (and couldn’t) do, how people who could supposedly cast magic were regarded and treated by those who could not, and how magic relates to the other major ways of understanding the world: religion and science. Most of us probably don’t believe (or at least completely believe) in magic, yet millions of people in the past who were every bit as smart as us did. We’ll try to understand why and how that belief might have made enough sense in their world that some of them turned to magic to improve their lives or harm their enemies and others felt so compelled to oppose magic that they were willing to hunt down and execute those they regarded as witches. Course requirements will include regular short informal writing exercises, some of which will require you to consider the beliefs and practices we’re studying as if they were your own.
Class: 29502
Time: WF 11:10AM-12:30PM
Room: 360 Journalism Building
Instructor: Nick Spitulski (Humanities Institute)
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course
GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course
MedRen 4504 - Arthurian Legends

Welcome to Arthurian Legends! In this asynchronous online course, we will explore together the wondrously rich and complex Arthurian tradition that flourished during the Middle Ages, from the first references to Arthur in early medieval chronicles and elusive Celtic poems through Malory’s epic Morte Darthur. We will encounter the wild and crazy heroes of Welsh romance and the earliest incarnations of characters who remain a part of our popular culture, such as Merlin, Lancelot, Gawain, Guinevere, the Lady of the Lake, and Morgan le Fay. We will look at how medieval authors used Arthurian stories, characters, and tropes to explore a host of issues that remain relevant today, including the qualities of leadership, the desiderata of healthy relationships, the nature of heroism, and our responsibilities to each other, to ourselves, and to the environment. Though our focus is the Middle Ages, we will also consider the ongoing modernization of Arthurian characters, stories, and themes in literature, games, and film, and we will explore the use of Arthurian materials in contemporary conversations about race, gender, sexuality, and a host of other issues.
Class: 35002
Time: Asynchronous
Room: Online
Instructor: Karen Winstead (English)
MedRen 5610 - Manuscript Studies

This course introduces students to the pre-print culture of the European Middle Ages and trains them in the fundamental skills required to read and understand handwritten books, fragments, and documents from ca. 500-1500 CE. Students will work with manuscripts held in the OSU library’s Special Collections and will benefit from numerous guest lectures. Knowledge of Latin and other medieval languages is NOT a prerequisite for enrollment.
Class: 34998 (Undergraduate) & 34999 (Graduate)
Time: TR 12:45-2:05PM
Room: 150A Thompson Library
Instructor: Leslie Lockett (English) & Eric Johnson (Thompson Special Collections)
Required Texts:
Clemens, Raymond and Timothy Graham. Introduction to Manuscript Studies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-0801487088.
MedRen 7899 - Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia
Description: MEDREN 7899 will consist of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture and subsequent discussion (total 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with the Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (such as attendance at appropriate conferences, on- or off-campus) may be substituted. Please be sure to consult with the Director to confirm plans for the semester before enrolling in the course.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 25699
Time: generally F 4:00-6:00 (in line with scheduled lectures and faculty/student colloquia)
Room: Varies - please consult the CMRS Events page for additional info
Instructor: Christopher Highley (English)
MedRen 7899 - Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia
Description: MEDREN 7899 will consist of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture and subsequent discussion (total 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with the Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (such as attendance at appropriate conferences, on- or off-campus) may be substituted.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 25699
Time: generally F 4:00-6:00 (in line with scheduled lectures and faculty/student colloquia)
Room: Varies - please consult the CMRS Events page for additional info
Instructor: Christopher Highley (English)
MedRen 2666 - Magic & Witchcraft

Description: This course will investigate the history of magic and witchcraft from late antiquity up through the eighteenth century, when the Enlightenment supposedly disenchanted the world. We’ll be particularly attentive to three questions: how people thought about magic and what it could (and couldn’t) do, how people who could supposedly cast magic were regarded and treated by those who could not, and how magic relates to the other major ways of understanding the world: religion and science. Most of us probably don’t believe (or at least completely believe) in magic, yet millions of people in the past who were every bit as smart as us did. We’ll try to understand why and how that belief might have made enough sense in their world that some of them turned to magic to improve their lives or harm their enemies and others felt so compelled to oppose magic that they were willing to hunt down and execute those they regarded as witches. Course requirements will include regular short informal writing exercises, some of which will require you to consider the beliefs and practices we’re studying as if they were your own.
Class: 35356
Time: TR 12:45 - 2:05 PM
Room: 1000 Fontana Lab
Instructor: David Brewer (English)
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course
GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course
Required Texts:
Kiekhefer, Richard. Magic in the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. ISBN: 9781108796897
Copenhaver, Brian P. The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment. London: Penguin Classics, 2017. ISBN: 9780141393148
MedRen 5611 - History of the Book Studies

Description: This course will introduce students to the history of the book in the hand-press period from the 15th to the 18th century. It will consider important theoretical and historical questions related to the effects—religious, scientific, political, cultural, literary, economic, educational, etc.—of the spread of the printed book in early modern England and Europe. Working with materials in OSU’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, students will develop essential skills of descriptive and analytical bibliography (the description of books as physical objects and the analysis of their manufacturing and production). This research will enable students to explore how the material forms of texts both shaped and were shaped by diverse cultural agents, including printers, compositors, proofreaders, pressmen, publishers, booksellers, readers, and collectors, as well as by larger cultural forces, such as censorship, the Stationers’ Company, and international intellectual and trade networks. This course is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students working in any field.
Required Texts: Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography, 2nd printing (Oak Knoll, 2000); Elizabeth Eisenstein, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, new ed. (Cambridge UP, 2005); Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance (Yale UP, 2010); and many readings on Carmen, which students will be required to download and print. There will also be several recommended texts.
Class: 35354 (UG), 35355 (G)
Time: WF 2:20 - 3:40 PM
Room: 086 University Hall
Instructor: Alan Farmer (English)
Required Texts:
Eisenstein, Elizabeth. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781107632752.
Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2000. ISBN: 9781884718137.
Pettegree, Andrew. The Book in the Renaissance. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780300178210.
Recommended Texts:
Bowers, Fredson. Principles of Bibliographical Description. 2nd ed. New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 1995. ISBN: 9781884718007.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. Descriptive Bibliography. Charlottesville: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 2020. ISBN: 9781883631192.
MedRen 5631 - Survey of Latin Literature: Medieval and Renaissance

Description: In this course, students will read widely in all genres of medieval Latin from antiquity to the late Middle Ages. The course aims to increase the student’s reading fluency and to anchor his or her knowledge of Latin grammar and syntax.
Text: Keith Sidwell, Reading Medieval Latin
Note: This is a combined section class with LATIN 5018.
Class: MEDREN 35409 (UG section), MEDREN 35410 (Grad section); LATIN 36676 (UG section), LATIN 36677 (Grad section).
Time: TR 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: 045 Hagerty Hall
Instructor: Frank Coulson (Classics)
MedRen 7899 - Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia
Description: MEDREN 7899 will consist of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture and subsequent discussion (total 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with the Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (such as attendance at appropriate conferences, on- or off-campus) may be substituted.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 21417
Time: generally F 4:00-6:00 (in line with scheduled lectures and faculty/student colloquia)
Room: Varies - please consult the CMRS Events page for additional info
Instructor: Christopher Highley (English)
MedRen 2211 - Medieval Kyoto: Landscapes and Portraits

Description: Kyoto was the capital of Japan from the eighth to the nineteenth centuries. Today it continues to be the site of many temples, shrines, gardens, and other cultural monuments that attest to Kyoto’s enduring cultural practices and values. UNESCO collectively recognizes seventeen “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto” as World Heritage Sites.
This course specifically focuses on the city’s medieval period, from its founding in 794 to the late 16th century. This was a period in which Kyoto’s cultural identity emerged, and, in view of Kyoto as the site of national authority during this duration, the broader Japanese cultural identity. Studying this timespan in the life of Kyoto lets us follow transformations in the lived environments of the city as it moves from imperial to shōgun military rule. By examining literary and other works of art, we’ll also address similar cultural transformations involving aristocrats, warriors, Buddhist institutions, and merchants. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on practices of urban historical preservation through the contemporary efforts of Kyoto’s citizens to preserve the heritage of the city.
Class: 34490
Time: TR 2:20-3:40PM
Room: Mendenhall Lab 125
Instructor: Naomi Fukumori (East Asian Languages and Literatures)
Required Texts:
- Clancy, Judith. Kyoto City of Zen: Visiting the Heritage Sites of Japan’s Ancient Capital. Tokyo and Rutland, Vermont: Tuttle, 2012.
- Dougill, John. Kyoto: A Cultural History. New York: Oxford UP, 2006.
- Stavros, Matthew. Kyoto: An Urban History of Japan’s Premodern Capital. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2014.
- Selected literary works, including excerpts from The Tale of Genji, The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon, Account of My Hut, and The Tale of the Heike
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course
GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course
MedRen 2618 - Travel and Exploration: Narratives of Travel and Intercultural Contact in the Age of Discovery (CANCELLED)

Description: What do you know about the man who the city of Columbus is named after? This spring semester, explore the writings of Renaissance explorers like Columbus and learn how to share your findings using ArcGIS StoryMaps. This course examines how travel narratives in the “Age of Discovery” shaped Europeans’ perceptions of their own and other cultures, generated and perpetuated stereotypes, and reflected and/or challenged imperial, colonial, and nationalist discourses.
Assignments include a presentation, an essay, and an ArcGIS StoryMap.
Class: 34488
Time: TR 11:10AM-12:30PM
Room: Baker Systems 148
Instructor: Lisa Voigt (Spanish and Portuguese)
Required Texts:
- Mancall, Peter C., ed. Travel Narratives from the Age of Discovery: An Anthology. Oxford Univ. Press, 2006.
- Endo, Shusaku. Silence. Trans. William Johnston. New York: Picador, 2016.
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course
GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course
MedRen 2666 - Magic & Witchcraft

Description: This course will investigate the history of magic and witchcraft from late antiquity up through the eighteenth century, when the Enlightenment supposedly disenchanted the world. We’ll be particularly attentive to three questions: how people thought about magic and what it could (and couldn’t) do, how people who could supposedly cast magic were regarded and treated by those who could not, and how magic relates to the other major ways of understanding the world: religion and science. Most of us probably don’t believe (or at least completely believe) in magic, yet millions of people in the past who were every bit as smart as us did. We’ll try to understand why and how that belief might have made enough sense in their world that some of them turned to magic to improve their lives or harm their enemies and others felt so compelled to oppose magic that they were willing to hunt down and execute those they regarded as witches. Course requirements will include regular short informal writing exercises, some of which will require you to consider the beliefs and practices we’re studying as if they were your own.
Class: 28737
Time: TR 9:35-10:55AM
Room: Hagerty Hall 180
Instructor: David Brewer (English)
GE (New) Foundation: Historical and Cultural Studies course
GE (Legacy) Culture and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies course
Required Texts:
Kiekhefer, Richard. Magic in the Middle Ages. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. ISBN: 9781108796897
Copenhaver, Brian P. The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment. London: Penguin Classics, 2017. ISBN: 9780141393148
Levack, Brian P., ed. The Witchcraft Sourcebook. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2015. ISBN: 9781138774971
MedRen 5695 - Foodways of Medieval and Early Modern Europe and the Mediterranean

Description: Students will research the foodways of medieval and early modern Europe and the Mediterranean from multiple disciplinary perspectives, especially through literary and historical texts, archaeological evidence, folkloric and anthropological lenses, manuscripts and early printed books, hands-on re-creations of recipes and technologies, and the methods of experimental archaeology. Students will regularly present primary and secondary sources to the seminar. For those who are registered under the MedRen call number, the final research project may take the form of a scholarly paper, an online exhibit, or the documentation and sharing of a re-creation of a recipe or a food-related technology. The seminar experience will be enriched by guest speakers, a session in the Instructional Kitchen in the Ohio Union, and potentially field trips. (Any enrichment events that take place outside the scheduled class time will be optional.)
Readings will be made available on Carmen or through OSU Libraries. As of now, there is no plan to have students registered under the MedRen call number purchase any required textbook.
Class: 25782
Time: T 4:10-6:55PM
Room: Denney Hall 206
Instructor: Leslie Lockett (English)
MedRen 7899 - Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia
Description: MEDREN 7899 will consist of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture and subsequent discussion (total 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with the Medieval and Renaissance Graduate Student Association and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (such as attendance at appropriate conferences, on- or off-campus) may be substituted.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 25779
Time: generally F 4:00-6:00 (in line with scheduled lectures and faculty/student colloquia)
Room: Varies - please consult the CMRS Events page for additional info
Instructor: Christopher Highley (English)
MedRen 2215 - Gothic Paris: 1100 - 1300

Description: An introduction to arts, architecture, poetry, history, music, theology, foods, fashions, and urban geography in Paris 1100-1300, the age of Gothic cathedrals and the rise of the university.
Students will:
1. be introduced to some of the main currents of medieval culture in Western Europe through the study of Paris, 1100-1300, gaining deeper historical and cultural appreciation and dispelling some misconceptions.
2. learn to recognize major characteristics of the “Gothic” style in art and architecture.
3. study the formation of the first major Western university, and use the methods of organization and analysis which developed there (and form the basis of analytical methods today).
4. study a crucial growth period of one of the world’s enduring cities, examining the complex web of economic, commercial, political and social forces which contributed to that growth, with the ultimate goal of gaining the ability to transfer that cultural analysis to other times and places.
5. read authentic primary texts in translation, with the goal of appreciating some of the stylistic features and extracting some knowledge of contemporary daily life and ideology.
Assignments: midterm & final exam, partly student written; short quizzes to process readings; a project researching and experiencing/ recreating something related to medieval Paris.
Class: 34993
Time: WeFr 11:10AM-12:30PM
Room: 129 Mendenhall Lab
Instructor: Kristen Figg (CMRS)
Required Books
- Letters of Abelard and Heloise, Betty Radice and M. T. Clanchy. Penguin Books (2013);
- Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree : Medieval Stories of Men and Women, Patricia Terry. University of California Press (1995);
- Paris, 1200, John W. Baldwin. Stanford University Press (2010).
GE culture and ideas and diversity global studies course. **NEW: GE foundation historical and cultural studies course.**
MedRen 5610 - Manuscript Studies

Description: This course introduces students to the pre-print culture of the European Middle Ages and trains them in the fundamental skills required to read and understand handwritten books, documents, and scrolls from ca. 500-1500 AD. Students will work with manuscripts held in the OSU library’s Special Collections and will benefit from numerous guest lectures. Knowledge of Latin and other medieval languages is NOT a prerequisite for enrollment.
Class: 34984 (UG); 34985 (G)
Time: TR 12:45-2:05PM
Room: 150A Thompson Library
Instructors: Leslie Lockett (English) and Eric Johnson (University Libraries)
Required Books
- Introduction to Manuscript Studies, Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham, Cornell University Press (2007).