Once in a Lifetime!
Schedule of Events
Room 202, Thompson Library ('Mortar Board Room')
2:00 — Introductory comments by Peter Hahn, Dean, Division of Arts and Humanities, and Graeme Boone, Director of CMRS
2:10 — Symposium of three round tables, featuring Ohio State faculty:
- CMRS past (2:10–3:00) - Barbara Hanawalt (History), Richard Green (English), Anna Grotans (German), Predrag Matejic (University Libraries), David Frantz (English)
- CMRS present (3:10–4:00) - Leslie Lockett (English), Eric Johnson (University Libraries), Pasha Johnson (University Libraries), Daniel Frank (NELC), Alan Farmer (English)
- CMRS future (4:10–5:00) - Karl Whittington (History of Art), Jonathan Combs-Schilling (French & Italian), Sam White (History), Mary Kate Hurley (Ohio University - English), Robey Patrick (Spanish)
and a grand Reception in the Conference Room (Thompson 204) 5:00-6:30 p.m.
- pastries from Pâtisserie Lallier and Pistacia Vera
- cheeses from Curds and Whey
- assorted fresh fruit and other delights from Whole Foods
- and a selection of fine wines and bubbly
with a special recognition of Barbara Hanawalt for her generosity to CMRS and endowment of the CMRS Public Lecture Fund, as well as the launching of the Friends of the CMRS
and last, but not least...
a special exhibit of rare books and manuscripts in the Creighton Rare Book Reading Room (Thompson 105) from 1:00 to 5:45 p.m.

The CMRS 50th-Anniversary Celebration offers a key opportunity to recognize the profound and wide-ranging impact the CMRS has had on university life across the past half century, to assess its current position in Ohio State's academic world, and to consider the roles it can play in the future of the University. With 20 affiliated departments and 150 affiliated faculty, as well as an associated graduate student organization (MRGSA) and undergraduate club (Mappa Mundi), the reach of CMRS across departments and populations is broad. With its own curriculum and program objectives (undergraduate major and minor; graduate certificate and specialization), its connection to faculty and students across many disciplines is made concrete on a daily basis. And with its many sponsored activities, each year including a lecture series of distinguished visiting faculty from universities around the world, together with conferences, symposia, film series, and popular-culture events on topics of current interest, its engagement with the public, both on campus and beyond, is intensive and ongoing. This Celebration provides the perfect opportunity to take stock of a great campus organization, and to think about what it can and should achieve in the next 50 years on behalf of our students, faculty, alumni, and public.