The following is a general list of courses that qualify towards Medieval and Renaissance Studies Academic Programs—Undergraduate Major, Undergraduate Minor, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization.
Departments often offer special topics courses on Medieval and Renaissance themes. These may count for credit toward a major, minor, or specialization. We flag many of these in our affiliate course listings each semester, but please contact the CMRS advisor if you want to take a course not listed here for major, minor or graduate MEDREN credit.
Medieval & Renaissance Studies
Arabic | Architecture | Chinese | City and Regional Planning | Classics | Comparative Studies | Dance | East Asian | English | French | German | Greek | Hebrew | History | History of Art | Italian | Japanese | Jewish Studies | Korean | Latin | Linguistics | Music | Near Eastern | Philosophy | Portuguese | Religious Studies | Romance Linguistics | Russian | Scandinavian | Slavic | Spanish | Theatre | Turkish | Yiddish
(Updated 02/20/2024)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
MEDREN 2215 Gothic Paris: 1100-1300
MEDREN 2510 Court of Charlemagne
MEDREN 2513 Medieval Russia
MEDREN 2514 Golden Age of Islamic Civilization
MEDREN 2516 The Medieval Jewish Experience (cross-listed with HEBREW 2216 and JEWSHST 2516)
MEDREN 2610 Science and Technology in Medieval and Renaissance Culture
MEDREN 2618 Travel and Exploration
MEDREN 2666 Magic and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
MEDREN 2888 Holy Heroes: Saints’ Lives
MEDREN 3194 Group Studies
MEDREN 3211 Medieval Kyoto: Portraits and Landscapes
MEDREN 3217 Shakespeare's London
MEDREN 4193 Individual Studies (1-3 units)
MEDREN 4217 Early Modern London: Urban Spaces and Popular Culture
MEDREN 4504 The Arthurian Legends
MEDREN 4998 Undergraduate Research (1-3 units)
MEDREN 4999 Research for Thesis (1-3 units)
MEDREN 5194 Group Studies
MEDREN 5610 Manuscript Studies
MEDREN 5611 History of the Book Studies
MEDREN 5631 Survey of Latin Literature: Medieval and Renaissance
MEDREN 5695 Advanced Seminar in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
MEDREN 7899 Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia (1 unit)
MEDREN 8193 Individual Studies (1-3 units)
ARABIC 2701 Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation
ARABIC 3601 Introduction to Arabic Philosophy
ARABIC 5611 History of the Arabic Language
ARABIC 5627 Classical Arabic Poetry
ARABIC 5628 Classical Arabic Prose
ARCH 3195 Modern Rome
ARCH 5110(E) History of Architecture I (4 units)
ARCH 5120(E) History of Architecture II (4 units)
CHINESE 2231 Traditional Chinese Culture
CHINESE 2451 Chinese Literature in Translation
CHINESE 4383 The Chinese Language and Its Script
CHINESE 4402 Traditional Chinese Fiction in Translation
CHINESE 5111 Classical Chinese I
CHINESE 5112 Classical Chinese II
CHINESE 5381 History of the Chinese Language
CHINESE 5383 The Chinese Writing System
CHINESE 5400 Performance Traditions of China
CHINESE 6451 History of Chinese Literature I
CHINESE 6452 History of Chinese Literature II
CHINESE 6453 Classical Chinese Literature in Modern China
City and Regional Planning
CRPLAN 6000 Historical Foundations of Planning
CLAS 2201(H) Classical Civilization: Greece
CLAS 2202(H) Classical Civilization: Rome
CLAS 2220(H) Classical Mythology
CLAS 2221(E) Introduction to the New Testament: History and Literature (cross-listed with HISTORY 2221(E))
CLAS 2301 Classical Archaeology (cross-listed with HISTART 2301)
CLAS 3000 From Rome to Europe and Beyond
CLAS 3401 Ancient Greek Religion
CLAS 3404 Magic in the Ancient World
CLAS 3405 Christians in the Greco-Roman World
CLAS 3223 The Later Roman Empire (cross-listed with HISTORY 3223)
CLAS 6780 History of Philology
CLAS 7891 Graduate Seminar on Epigraphy
CLAS 7892 Graduate Seminar on Greek and Latin Paleography and Textual Criticism
CLAS 7893 Graduate Seminar on Religion and Mythology of the Ancient World
CLAS 7894 Graduate Seminar on Late Antiquity and Byzantium
CLAS 7895 Graduate Seminar on New Testament and Early Christian Literature
Comparative Studies
COMPSTD 2350(H) Introduction to Folklore (cross-listed with ENGLISH 2270(H))
DANCE 2401 Western Concert Dance: Renaissance to Present
DANCE 3411 History/Theory/Literature 1 (Renaissance to early 1900s)
East Asian Languages and Literatures
EALL 3223 The Buddhist Tradition
EALL 5477 Performance Traditions in Contemporary East Asia
ENGLISH 2201(H) Selected Works of British Literature: Medieval through 1800
ENGLISH 2220(H) Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGLISH 2221 Introduction to Shakespeare, Race, and Gender
ENGLISH 2270(H) Introduction to Folklore (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2350(H))
ENGLISH 2280 The English Bible
ENGLISH 4450 Literature and Culture of London
ENGLISH 4513 Introduction to Medieval Literature
ENGLISH 4514 Middle English Literature
ENGLISH 4515 Chaucer
ENGLISH 4520.01 Shakespeare
ENGLISH 4520.02 Special Topics in Shakespeare
ENGLISH 4521 Renaissance Drama
ENGLISH 4522 Renaissance Poetry
ENGLISH 4523 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature and Culture
ENGLISH 4564.01 Major Author in Medieval and Renaissance British Literature
ENGLISH 4574 History and Theories of Writing
ENGLISH 4590.01H The Middle Ages
ENGLISH 4590.02H The Renaissance
ENGLISH 5710.01 Introduction to Old English Language and Literature
ENGLISH 5710.02 Introduction to Old English Language and Literature (S/U)
ENGLISH 5720.01 Graduate Studies in Shakespeare
ENGLISH 5720.02 Graduate Studies in Shakespeare (S/U)
ENGLISH 5721.01 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Drama
ENGLISH 5721.02 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Drama (S/U)
ENGLISH 5722.01 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Poetry
ENGLISH 5722.02 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Poetry (S/U)
ENGLISH 5723.01 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture
ENGLISH 5723.02 Graduate Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture (S/U)
ENGLISH 6713.01 Introduction to Middle English Language
ENGLISH 6713.02 Introduction to Middle English Language (S/U)
ENGLISH 6716.01 Introduction to Graduate Study in the Middle Ages
ENGLISH 6716.02 Introduction to Graduate Study in the Middle Ages (S/U)
ENGLISH 6718.01 Introduction to Graduate Study in Chaucer
ENGLISH 6718.02 Introduction to Graduate Study in Chaucer (S/U)
ENGLISH 6779.01 Introduction to Graduate Study in Rhetoric: Classical to Early Renaissance
ENGLISH 6779.11 Introduction to Graduate Study in Rhetoric: Classical to Early Renaissance (S/U)
ENGLISH 6779.02 Introduction to Graduate Study in Rhetoric: Renaissance to 20th Century
ENGLISH 6779.22 Introduction to Graduate Study in Rhetoric: Renaissance to 20th Century (S/U)
ENGLISH 7817.01 Seminar in Early Medieval English Literature
ENGLISH 7817.02 Seminar in Early Medieval English Literature (S/U)
ENGLISH 7818.01 Seminar in Later Medieval Literature
ENGLISH 7818.02 Seminar in Later Medieval Literature (S/U)
ENGLISH 7820.01 Seminar in Shakespeare
ENGLISH 7820.02 Seminar in Shakespeare (S/U)
ENGLISH 7827.01 Seminar in English Renaissance Literature
ENGLISH 7827.02 Seminar in English Renaissance Literature (S/U)
FRENCH 5104 Medieval French
FRENCH 5105 Medieval Occitan
FRENCH 5201 Gothic to Renaissance: Texts and Contexts
FRENCH 8201 Medieval and Renaissance Studies
GERMAN 2253 Magic, Murder and Mayhem
GERMAN 2256 Fan Fiction: From Homer to Harry Potter
GREEK 2110 The Greek New Testament
GREEK 5017 Later Greek Prose
GREEK 6891 Greek Survey: Prose (5 units)
GREEK 6892 Greek Survey: Poetry (5 units)
HEBREW 2216 The Medieval Jewish Experience (cross-listed with MEDREN 2516 and JEWSHST 2516)
HEBREW 2700(H) The Hebrew Bible in Translation (cross-listed with JEWSHST 2700)
HEBREW 3703 Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible
HEBREW 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond (cross-listed with JEWSHST 3704)
HEBREW 3708 Wisdom Literature in the Bible
HEBREW 5105 History of the Hebrew Language
HEBREW 5603 Readings in Rabbinic Literature
HEBREW 5802 The Problem of Evil in Biblical and Post- Biblical Literature
HISTORY 2001(H) Launching America
HISTORY 2071 American Indian History of the U.S. Midwest
HISTORY 2100 Introduction to the Spanish Atlantic World
HISTORY 2110 Introduction to Native American Peoples from Mesoamerica
HISTORY 2111 Introduction to Native American People of the Andes
HISTORY 2201 Ancient Greece and Rome
HISTORY 2202 Introduction to Medieval History
HISTORY 2203 Introduction to Early Modern Europe
HISTORY 2220 Introduction to the History of Christianity
HISTORY 2221(E) Introduction to the New Testament: History and Literature (cross-listed with CLAS 2221(E))
HISTORY 2231 The Crusades
HISTORY 2240 Elizabethan England
HISTORY 2250 Empires and Nations in Western Europe, 1500-present
HISTORY 2251 Empires and Nations in Eastern Europe, 1500-present
HISTORY 2275 Children and Childhood in the Western World
HISTORY 2280 Introduction to Russian History
HISTORY 2301 African Peoples and Empires in World History
HISTORY 2351 Early Islamic Society, 610-1258
HISTORY 2352 The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1922
HISTORY 2375 Islamic Central Asia
HISTORY 2401 History of East Asia in the Pre-Modern Era
HISTORY 2450 Ancient and Medieval Jewish History, 300 BCE-1100 CE (cross-listed with JEWSHST 2450)
HISTORY 2451 Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History, 700-1700 CE (cross-listed with JEWSHST 2451)
HISTORY 2641 Global History to 1500
HISTORY 2651 World History before the Modern Age
HISTORY 2680 It's The End of The World!: Apocalypticism in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam (cross-listed with NELC 2680)
HISTORY 2701 History of Technology
HISTORY 2702 Food in World History
HISTORY 2703 History of Public Health, Medicine and Disease
HISTORY 2704 Water: A Human History
HISTORY 2705 The History of Medicine in Western Society
HISTORY 2797.02 The Western Tradition and Contemporary Issues: From Ancient Greece to the Global Present
HISTORY 3010 Colonial North America to 1763
HISTORY 3214 Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the History of Christianity
HISTORY 3216 War in the Ancient Mediterranean World
HISTORY 3218 Paul and His Influence in Early Christianity
HISTORY 3219 Historical Jesus
HISTORY 3222 The Roman Empire, 69-337 CE
HISTORY 3223 The Later Roman Empire (cross-listed with CLAS 3223)
HISTORY 3225 Early Byzantine Empire
HISTORY 3226 Later Byzantine Empire
HISTORY 3227 Gnostics and Other Early Christian Heresies
HISTORY 3229 History of Early Christianity
HISTORY 3230 Saints and Demons in Medieval Europe
HISTORY 3231 Creating Medieval Monsters: Constructions of the "Other"
HISTORY 3232 Solving Crime in Medieval Europe
HISTORY 3235 Medieval Europe I, 300-1100
HISTORY 3236 Medieval Europe II, 1100-1500
HISTORY 3239 Medieval England
HISTORY 3240 History of the Italian Renaissance, 1250-1450
HISTORY 3242 The Holy Roman Empire (1495-1806)
HISTORY 3245 The Age of Reformation
HISTORY 3246 Tudor and Stuart Britain, 1485-1714
HISTORY 3247 Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (1450-1750)
HISTORY 3249 Early-Modern Europe, 1560-1778
HISTORY 3304 History of Islam in Africa
HISTORY 3306 History of African Christianity
HISTORY 3354 Islamic Spain and North Africa
HISTORY 3375 Mongol World Empire: Central Eurasia, 1000-1500
HISTORY 3376 The Silk Road: Commerce and Culture in Eurasia 200 BCE-1498 CE
HISTORY 3401 Foundations of Chinese Civilization
HISTORY 3403 History of Early Modern China: 14th-18th century
HISTORY 3425 History of Japan before 1800
HISTORY 3455 Jewish Life from the Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment
HISTORY 3550 War in World History, 500-1650
HISTORY 3640 Women: Navigating the Patriarchy in Medieval Europe
HISTORY 3641 Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe: 1450-1750
HISTORY 3711 Science and Society in Europe, from Copernicus to Newton
HISTORY 4217(E, H) Research Seminar in Late Antiquity
HISTORY 4218(E, H) Research Seminar in Byzantine History
HISTORY 4230(E, H) Readings in Medieval History
HISTORY 4235(E, H) Research Seminar in Medieval History
HISTORY 4245(E, H) Research Seminar in Early Modern European History
HISTORY 5229 Special Topics in Ancient Christianity
HISTORY 7230 Studies in Medieval History
HISTORY 7240 Studies in Early Modern European History
HISTORY 7410 Studies in Pre-Modern Chinese History
HISTORY 7884 History of Literacy / Literacy Past and Present
HISTORY 8230 Seminar in Medieval History
History of Art
HISTART 2001(H) Western Art I: Ancient and Medieval Worlds
HISTART 2002(H) Western Art II: The Renaissance to the Present
HISTART 2003(H) The Art and Visual Culture of East Asia
HISTART 2005 History of Latin American Art: Prehispanic and Early Modern
HISTART 2101 Introduction to African Art and Archaeology
HISTART 2301 Classical Archaeology (cross-listed with CLAS 2301)
HISTART 3002 The History of Western Architecture
HISTART 3005 Christian Art
HISTART 3010 Gender and Sexuality in European Art*
HISTART 3211 Art and Civilization in Mesopotamia
HISTART 3521 Renaissance Art in Italy
HISTART 4411 Early Christian and Byzantine Art
HISTART 4421 Medieval Art
HISTART 4510 Northern Renaissance Art
HISTART 4531 17th-Century Art of the Netherlands
HISTART 4541 17th-Century Art of Italy and Spain
HISTART 4810 The Arts of China
HISTART 4820 The Arts of Japan
HISTART 5222 Later Islamic Art
HISTART 5322 Art and Archaeology of the Roman Empire
HISTART 5422 Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Illumination
HISTART 5430 The Age of Giotto
HISTART 5521 Renaissance Painting in Central Italy
HISTART 5531 17th-Century Dutch Art
HISTART 5562 Art and History in Early Modern Latin America, 1492-1820
HISTART 5815 The Lyric Journey: Chinese Painting of the Tang & Song periods (618-1279)
HISTART 5816 Images of the Mind: Chinese Painting of the Yuan & Ming periods (1279-1644)
HISTART 8401 Studies in Medieval Art (4 units)
HISTART 8521 Studies in Italian Renaissance Art (4 units)
HISTART 8531 Studies in Northern Baroque Art (4 units)
ITALIAN 2051 Italian Journeys
ITALIAN 2054 Dante in Translation
ITALIAN 3051 Italian Romances
ITALIAN 3220 Italian Culture Through the Ages
ITALIAN 4224 Survey of Italian Literature
ITALIAN 5051 Latin and the Romance Languages
ITALIAN 5331 History of the Italian Language
ITALIAN 8231 Dante Studies
ITALIAN 8233 Boccaccio and the Art of the Short Story
JAPANSE 2231 Elements of Japanese Culture
JAPANSE 2451 Japanese Literature in Translation
JAPANSE 5111 Classical Japanese I
JAPANSE 5112 Classical Japanese II
JAPANSE 5121 Kanbun
JAPANSE 5271 The Japanese Religious Tradition
JAPANSE 5400 Performance Traditions of Japan
JAPANSE 5454 Japanese Literature: Classical Period
JAPANSE 5455 Japanese Literature: Medieval and Edo Periods
Jewish Studies
JEWSHST 2450 Ancient and Medieval Jewish History, 300 BCE-1100 CE (cross-listed with HISTORY 2450)
JEWSHST 2451 Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History, 700-1700 CE (cross-listed with HISTORY 2451)
JEWSHST 2516 The Medieval Jewish Experience (cross-listed with HEBREW 2216 and MEDREN 2516)
JEWSHST 2700(H) The Hebrew Bible in Translation (cross-listed with HEBREW 2700)
JEWSHST 3111 Introduction to Jewish Philosophy (cross-listed with PHILOS 3111)
JEWSHST 3210 Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah (cross-listed with RELSTDS 3210)
JEWSHST 3704 Women in the Bible and Beyond (cross-listed with HEBREW 3704)
KOREAN 2231 Elements of Korean Culture
KOREAN 5400 Performance Traditions of Korea
KOREAN 5405 Korean Dramatic Tradition
KOREAN 5453 Readings in Korean Literary and Classical Texts
LATIN 5018 Post Classical Latin
LATIN 6891 Latin Survey: Prose (5 units)
LATIN 6892 Latin Survey: Poetry (5 units)
LING 5901 Introduction to Historical Linguistics
LING 7901 Historical Linguistics: Phonology
LING 7902 Historical Linguistics: Morphology
MUSIC 2240 Music History I
MUSIC 4555.01 Studies in Musicology: Music Before 1600
MUSIC 5650 History of Choral Music (2 units)
MUSIC 7740 Studies in Music before 1600
MUSIC 7741 Studies in Music from 1600 to 1800
MUSIC 7787 Chinese Music
MUSIC 7788 Music of the Arab and Indian Traditions
MUSIC 8826 Development of Music Theory I
MUSIC 8827 Development of Music Theory II
MUSIC 8847 Development of Notation: 900-1600
MUSIC 8850 History of Performance Practices
MUSIC 8874 The Development of Music Education
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
NELC 2680 It's The End of The World!: Apocalypticism in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam (cross-listed with HISTORY 2680)
NELC 3111 Ancient Empires
NELC 7501 Narratives of Origin: The Islamic Tradition
NELC 7503 Iranian Religious Traditions in the Antique & Late Antique World & Their Legacies
PHILOS 2120 Asian Philosophies
PHILOS 3111 Introduction to Jewish Philosophy (cross-listed with JEWSHST 3111)
PHILOS 3220 History of Medieval Philosophy
PHILOS 3230 History of 17th-Century Philosophy
PHILOS 5220 Studies in Medieval Philosophy
PHILOS 5230 Studies in 17th-Century Philosophy
PORTGSE 5510 Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese, from the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism
Religious Studies
RELSTDS 3210 Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah (cross-listed with JEWSHST 3210)
RELSTDS 4877 Myth and Ritual
Romance Linguistics
ROMLING 5051 Latin and The Romance Languages
RUSSIAN 5701 History of Russian I
SCANDVN 3350 Nordic Mythology and Medieval Culture
SCANDVN 5150 Old Norse
SCANDVN 5251 The Icelandic Saga
SLAVIC 6625 Old Church Slavonic
SLAVIC 8741 Medieval Slavic Workshop (6 units)
SPANISH 2320 Don Quixote in Translation
SPANISH 2321 The Spanish Don Juan Theme in the Theatre
SPANISH 2330 Reinventing America
SPANISH 2332 Introduction to Andean and Amazonian Cultures
SPANISH 4551 Spanish Golden Age Literature
SPANISH 4555(E) Indigenous, Colonial, & National Literatures and Cultures of Spanish America
SPANISH 7360 History of the Spanish Language
SPANISH 7410 Mapping Medieval and Renaissance Iberian Literatures and Cultures
SPANISH 7510 Studies in Medieval Iberia
SPANISH 7520 Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Iberia
SPANISH 8360 Studies in Spanish Historical Linguistics
SPANISH 8510 Seminar in Medieval Iberia
SPANISH 8520 Seminar in Renaissance and Baroque Iberia
THEATRE 3731 History of Performance I
THEATRE 5225 Period Styles for Production
THEATRE 5771.01 The History and Practice of Devising Theatre
THEATRE 5771.03 Out There Alone: The History of Solo Performance
THEATRE 5771.06 International Theatre and Performance
THEATRE 5921 Performing and Teaching Shakespeare for the Actor: A Toolkit
THEATRE 5922S Shakespeare and Autism
THEATRE 7701 Greek, Roman, and Medieval Theatre and Performance: History, Literature, and Theory (4 units)
THEATRE 7702 Early Modern to the Enlightenment: Theatre, Performance, Theory, Text (4 units)
TURKISH 2701 Mystics, Sultans, Prisoners, and Dreamers: Turkish Literature in Translation