Autumn 2017 MEDREN Courses
MEDREN 2513, “Medieval Russia”
Description: From insignificant beginnings, Moscow became the center of an empire that, by the end of the 17th c., was the largest country in the world—and still is. We will discuss the emergence of Moscow as a city, state, culture, and world power, and forces that drove its remarkable expansion: desire to preserve and regain the heritage of the conquered Kievan state; imperatives of Eastern Orthodox spirituality; struggles against external enemies such as the Tartars (Mongols); belief in an anointed,autocratic ruler; and ideology of the Third Rome, which reconceived of Moscow as a New Jerusalem. These “national myths” continue to influence Russian culture to this very day.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Medieval 213. GE culture and ideas and diversity global studies course.
Class: 34137
Time: Wed/Fri 12:45PM - 2:05PM
Room: University Hall 043
Instructor: Daniel Collins (Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures)
Required Texts: TBD
MEDREN 2514, "Golden Age of Islamic Civilization"
Description: What do we mean by “The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization”? How did it start, when and why did it end, and who participated in it? What does Baghdad have to do with it? What do algebra and algorithm, alcove and alchemy have in common? How foreign will we be in the world of 1001 Nights? And what does this all have to do with our contemporary civilization? Come share the world of medieval Islamic civilization, in both its courtly and popular dimensions, and get a glimpse of part of our human heritage.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Medieval 214. GE culture and ideas and diversity global studies course.
Class: 25586
Time: Wed/Fri 9:35AM - 10:55AM
Room: Bolz Hall 316
Instructor: Hadi Jorati (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)
Required Texts: None
MEDREN 2610, “Science and Technology in Medieval and Renaissance Culture”
Description: The history of science in the medieval and early modern world, including medicine, alchemy, optics, map-making, city-planning, and technology through images, texts, and material culture. GE cultures and ideas course
Class: 33897
Time: Tues/Thurs 9:35AM - 10:55AM
Room: 140 W. 19th Ave., Room 136
Instructor: Sarah Neville (English)
Required Texts: Available through the Carmen/Canvas Site
MEDREN 5611, "History of the Book Studies"
Description: This course will be devoted to thinking about books and other printed artifacts from the hand press period (c. 1450-1830) as material objects. You’ll learn how books are made, perhaps try your hand at setting type and printing, and think about what we can learn about cultural history if we adopt a book’s eye view and follow its movements, rather than those of the people supposedly in charge of it. We’ll regularly explore the holdings of our rare book library—with lots of hands-on examination—and otherwise try to make this course a very tactile (and even olfactory) experience. We judge books by their covers all the time; here’s a chance to learn how to do it with more authority.
Course requirements include regular posing of questions for us to consider in our discussions, active participation in those discussions and in a midterm scavenger hunt, a willingness to be “game” as we explore a wide range of material (not all of which you’ll be able to read—at least in the conventional sense), and a contribution to a collective exhibition at the end of the course.
Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Medieval 611.
Class: 33911 (UG), 33912 (G)
Time: Tues/Thurs 2:20PM - 3:40PM
Room: Journalism 291
Instructor: David Brewer (English)
Required Texts: Available through the Carmen/Canvas Site
MEDREN 7899, "Medieval and Renaissance Colloquia"
Description: This course consists of 1 credit hour per semester for attending CMRS lectures, faculty colloquia and subsequent discussions or preceding "open forum" events. This will amount to: 4 1-hour+ CMRS lectures by visiting professors and at least 1 internal lecture, plus subsequent (or preceding) discussion sessions (total = approx. 3 hours per event); at least one lunch with visiting faculty member (2 hours); active involvement with MRGSA and its activities; and meetings with the Center director (one hour once per term). With permission of the Director other professional activities (e.g. attendance at appropriate conferences, on or off campus; other relevant lectures hosted by OSU units if CMRS colloquia are not scheduled) may be substituted.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.
Class: 17009*
Time: Fri 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Room: 070/090 18th Ave. Library
Instructor: TBD
MEDREN 4193, 8193 – Individual Studies
Description: Students may register for individual directed study under this number for work not normally offered in courses.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Class: TBD
For more information about the Center’s Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization and Graduate Certificate programs, please visit this page.
*Enrollment open to graduate students, undergraduate students only with permission from the Center and the Graduate School. Attendance based upon lecture series schedule; see the CMRS Events webpage for more information.
CMRS Affiliated Courses - Autumn 2017