Please join us for this talk in our 2021-2022 Colloquium Series! This event is free and open to the public.
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Megan J. Hall specializes in medieval women's literacy and education, manuscript studies, digital humanities, and the effects of landscape and environment on the production of texts and text technologies. She has authored a number of publications including essays in Journal of the Early Book Society and Early Middle English. Most recently she has been invited to contribute to a special edition of History of Education Quarterly on Medieval and Renaissance education and an episode of the HEQ&A podcast on her work.
Nick Hoffman is a Distinguished University Fellow and PhD candidate in medieval literature. His primary research interests include medieval discourses around sexuality, the body, the senses and Christian epistemology. His dissertation (“Tactile Theology: Gender, Sexuality, and the Sensorium in Medieval Literature") explores the relationship between gender and the sense of touch in a cross-section of medieval texts. He has published on the significance of the Middle Ages in modern culture, particularly among queer and trans activists, theorists and artists.