'Lost Songs of the Early Middle Ages: Horace, Beowulf and Boethius', A Lecture/Presentation by Benjamin Bagby and Sam Barrett

April 28, 2015
All Day
18th Ave. Library, Room 205

'Lost Songs of the Early Middle Ages: Horace, Beowulf and Boethius'


A Lecture/Presentation by Benjamin Bagby and Sam Barrett


Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Music/Dance Library (18th Ave. Library), Room 205


Co-sponsored by CMRS

World renowned early-music performer Benjamin Bagby, leader of the Sequentia ensemble, will be on campus Tuesday, April 28, to present the fruits of his collaboration with leading medieval musicologist Sam Barrett on the performance of early medieval song.

Their presentation should be of interest to musicians, musicologists, medieval historians, Latinists, and others interested in the frontiers of historical music-making.


Please join us for the following activities in Room 205 of the Music/Dance Library:


   • 3-4 p.m. -- open forum (an informal discussion of their work and other issues of interest to those attending).

4:30-6:00 p.m. -- Lecture/Presentation on Horace, Boethius, and Beowulf.


Please contact the CMRS with any questions about this event.