MRGSA will be holding its third graduate student conference on October 23-24, 2015. This year’s conference examines the theme of “Metamorphosis,” and features fifteen student presenters from within and outside OSU.
The conference also includes a keynote address by Prof. Karl Whittington and a closing roundtable with OSU professors.
2015 Conference Schedule
Friday, October 23
Registration and Panel 1 will be in Denney Hall, Room 311, located at 164 West 17th Ave.
2:00-3:00 PM Registration
3:00-4:20 PM Panel 1: Pain and Gender
Chair: Ashley Powers, OSU Department of French and Italian
- “From Pain to Peace: Aemilia Lanyer as Philosopher of Pain”
Cecilia Morales, University of Michigan - “Reborn: Saint Margaret of Antioch and Caesarean Delivery”
Aimee Caya, Case Western Reserve University - “ ‘Her life was beastly and devoid of pity, / And being dead, let birds on her take pity:’ Jezebel’s Punishment and Asymmetrical Discipline in Titus Andronicus”
Heather Frazier, Ohio State University
4:20-5:00 PM Break
5:00-6:00 PM Keynote Address by Prof. Karl Whittington
“Returning to Lorenzetti's Government Frescoes: The Metamorphosis of Meaning over Time”
Introduced by Rebecca Howard, OSU Department of History of Art
Thompson Library, Room 165
Karl Whittington is an Associate Professor in the Department of History of Art at Ohio State University. He specializes in the history of science, gender and sexuality, and image theory as they relate to medieval art and architecture. His recent book, Body-Worlds: Opicinus de Canistris and the Medieval Cartographic Imagination, was a finalist for the Charles Rufus Morey Book Award in 2015.
6:00 PM Reception (Thompson Library, Room 165)
Saturday, October 24
Saturday’s panels will be held in the Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room, Ohio Union, 3rd Floor.
9:00-9:30 AM Breakfast Buffet and Registration (Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room)
9:30-10:50 AM Panel 2: Cross-Cultural Exchange
Chair: Daniel Knapper, OSU Department of English
- “The Black African: Exotic Otherness in the Renaissance’’
Leann Schneider, Kent State University - “Transitions in 9th Century Old English Education and Identity: External Translatio in Alfred’s ‘Preface’ to Pope Gregory’s Pastoral Care”
Clinton Morrison Jr., Texas Tech University - “King Balthazar’s Metamorphosis: Christian Universalism, Afroiberian Confraternities, and Blacks in Military Orders in Medieval and Renaissance Europe”
Miguel A. Valerio, Ohio State University
11:00 AM-12:20 PM Panel 3: Sex and the Soul
Chair: Carmen Meza, OSU Department of English
- “Private Desires: Malbecco and Early Modern Sexual Interiority”
Joseph Gamble, University of Michigan - “Into the ‘Watch-towre’: ‘Goodfriday, 1613 Riding Westward’”
Jonathan Wanner, Catholic University of America - “Steel Grows Soft as the Parasite’s Silk”: The Metamorphosis of Performing the Roman Custom in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus
Mayra A. Cortes, University of California, San Diego
12:20-2:00 PM Lunch Break (Participants on their own or with MRGSA officers)
2:00-3:20 PM Panel 4: Poets and Their Poetry: Mutable Forms, Fluid Personas
Chair: Anne Malcolm, OSU Department of English
- “The Fate of the Artist in the Metamorphoses and New Arcadia”
Philip Gilreath, College of Charleston - “Thomas Hoccleve’s ‘Encombrous Thogt’ in Another Form”
Travis Neel, Ohio State University - “Finding the Perfect Dietie Diett: Donne’s ‘Love’s Deity’ and ‘Love’s Diet’ as Answer Poetry about Choice”
Brice Anders Peterson, Pennsylvania State University
3:30-4:50 PM Panel 5: Perspectives on Death
Chair: Shannon Turner, OSU Department of History
- “The Miraculous Death and Christina Mirabilis”
Kristen Herdman, Case Western Reserve University - “Bonum est mortis meditari: Meanings and Functions of the Medieval Double Macabre Portrait Individual Presentation”
Dominique DeLuca, Case Western Reserve University - “Wonder and the Living Dead: The Personification of Death in Pastoral Texts from 1250-1350”
Katherine Werwie, Morgan Library and Museum
4:50-5:30 PM Coffee Break (Thompson Library, 11th Floor)
5:30-6:30 PM Closing Roundtable: Agents of Change
Thompson Library, 11th Floor, Campus Reading Room
Featuring Ohio State professors Alison Beach (Department of History), Sarah-Grace Heller (Department of French and Italian), Leslie Lockett (Department of English), and Sarah Neville (Department of English).
MRGSA gratefully acknowledges the funding and support we have received from the following sources:
- The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- The Department of English
- The Department of French and Italian
- The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
- The Department of History of Art
- The Department of Linguistics
- The Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- The Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies
For updates, please visit the MRGSA Conference Page.