October 14, 2013
Autumn 2013 EGO Colloquium

The English Graduate Organization (EGO) Steering Committee would like to invite all CMRS members and affiliates to the Autumn 2013 EGO Colloquium. The EGO Colloquium features ongoing research by graduate students in the Department of English. This semester, the EGO Colloquium includes "Complicating Chastity: Elizabeth I and Ermines in Book III of The Fairie Queene" (Liz Steinway) and "Sexual Anatomy of the Old English Medicina de Quadrupedibus: A Semantic Analysis" (Bethany Christiansen). We hope that anyone interested in medieval and Renaissance literature and culture will attend the Colloquium on Thursday, October 24, from 1:45 to 3:30 in Denney 311. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.