

Chris Highley

Digital project grant funds open-access map creation of Shakespearean London

Professor Highley’s project creates map overlays to provide viewers a more comprehensive view of what Shakespearean London looked like, compared to different eras in the modern city.


A logo that says LDP

2025 Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest


Calling all poets!  

Lord Denney’s Players, the Department of English and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are excited to announce the 2025 Lord Denney’s Players…

Painting of a shephard girl holding a stick

Lord Denney's Players Present John Fletcher’s The Faithful Shepherdess

Though he is largely unknown to audiences today, John Fletcher was one of the most popular and successful playwrights of the English Renaissance. He took over from Shakespeare as the principal…

Congratulations ASC Faculty Award Winners

ASC Awards CMRS Faculty, GRA

Warmest congratulations to our award winners from the College of Arts and Sciences!

CMRS affiliate faculty…

2024 Student Award Winners with block o

2023-2024 Student Award Winners

At the April 16 end-of-year celebration, the Humanities Insitute's center directors announced their award winners for the academic year. Undergraduate and graduate students were present to receive…

A logo that says LDP

Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest Winners

Lord Denney’s Players, the Department of English and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are excited to announce the winners of the spring 2024 Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest.…

Text reads We're Hiring Graduate Research Associate Open Position AY 2024-2025

Graduate Research Associate Open Position AY 2024-2025

The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is hiring!

Graduate Research Associate Open Position AY 2024-2025

The CMRS anticipates funding to support 25% appointment for the Autumn…

A logo that says LDP

2024 Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest


Calling all poets!  

Lord Denney’s Players, the Department of English and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are excited to announce the Spring 2024 Lord Denney’s…

A green tennis ball with a gold king's crown balanced on top of it

'What stuff 'tis made of': The Material History of Lord Denney's Players Exhibition

Each semester, the Humanities Institute hosts a rotating mini-exhibition of material culture curated by our center leaders and students. This semester features "'What stuff 'tis made of': The…