Graduate Student Open Positions AY2020-2021

March 20, 2020

Graduate Student Open Positions AY2020-2021

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Graduate Administrative Associate Open Positions AY 2020-2021 

The CMRS will have one open 25% GAA position and another 50% GAA position for the 2020-2021 academic year (Autumn 2020 — Spring 2021).


In addition to providing general administrative support for the Center and logistical support for events, specific responsibilities for the positions include:

•    Preparation of print & digital publicity materials for CMRS events and courses
•    Designing & editing the CMRS magazine Nouvelles Nouvelles
•    TA support for large CMRS courses
•    Online communications assistance with CMRS affiliates and OSU staff
•    Management, editing, & copywriting for the CMRS website
•    Maintenance of the CMRS social media accounts (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)

Eligibility & Desired Qualifications

Applicants must be full-time graduate students in good standing and available to work at least 10 hours per week each term. Preference will be given to students whose research is focused in the medieval, renaissance, or early modern periods. Desired qualifications include:

•    Experience with various software such as Excel, Publisher, Drupal, InDesign, and OSU’s Carmen/Canvas system.
•    Availability to arrange paid-training hours over the summer ahead of full appointment for AY 2020-2021.

Applications are due on April 10.

Applications may be submitted online at

In addition to completing the online application form, applicants need to upload one brief statement of professional interest and training in medieval and renaissance studies (max 2 pages) as well as a current CV.

You must also submit a printed copy of your advising report by delivering it to the CMRS office in 455 Hagerty for security. A letter of reference must also be sent from faculty (OSU faculty, if possible) acquainted with your academic program. The letter of reference can be emailed to