Leslie Lockett Awarded "John Nicholas Brown" Prize by The Medieval Academy of America

March 24, 2015

Leslie Lockett Awarded "John Nicholas Brown" Prize by The Medieval Academy of America

Leslie Lockett

Congratulations to Leslie Lockett (OSU), the 2015 winner of The Medieval Academy of America's John Nicholas Brown Prize!

The John Nicholas Brown Prize, established by The Medieval Academy of America in 1978, is awarded annually for a first book or monograph on a medieval subject judged by the selection committee to be of outstanding quality. John Nicholas Brown was one of the founders of the Medieval Academy and for fifty years served as its Treasurer. The prize established in his name consists of a certificate and a monetary award. It is announced at the annual meeting of the academy each spring.

Leslie Lockett’s Anglo-Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular and Latin Traditions develops an original, lucid, and compelling argument about how an extraordinarily wide range of Anglo-Saxon texts represents the human mind. Considering the dynamic relations between two competing conceptions of mind—one, heart-centered and hydraulic (involving swelling, cooling, and seething), the other, emphasizing the mind’s incorporeality—Lockett shows persuasively that the former remains dominant throughout most of the Anglo-Saxon period. Anglo-Saxon Psychologies makes a vital contribution to the ongoing consideration of how “high” and “low,” Latinate and Germanic, inheritances interact within the complex and vibrant Anglo-Saxon cultural scene.