Lord Denney's Players Auditioning for Spring 2019 "Romeo and Juliet" Production

Lord Denney's Players are holding auditions for their fifth production, the 1597 text of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, during the second week of the spring term. Audition dates and times are as follows, all held in Denney 311:
Monday, January 14 @ 6-8pm
Tuesday, January 15 @ 4-7pm
Wednesday, January 16 @ 6-8pm
All OSU students, staff, faculty and recent alumni (<4 years) are welcome to audition. Enthusiasm is necessary; experience isn't.
Please prepare a Shakespearean monologue (from a play OTHER than Romeo and Juliet) for your audition and bring a hard copy photo of yourself. We will also ask you to participate in a cold reading. Callbacks will take place on Thursday, January 17, 2019 from 6-9pm.
Rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet will take place on campus Monday - Thursday evenings from 7-10pm throughout spring semester (except during Spring Break). The show runs April 4-13, 2019 at the Columbus Performing Arts Center. For more information about Lord Denney's Players, see https://english.osu.edu/about/lord-denneys-players.