In Memoriam: John N. King (1945-2020)

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Distinguished University Professor Emeritus John N. King on June 13, 2020. During his over twenty years at Ohio State, John was a strong advocate for the work of the Center. He often served on the Center’s Advisory Committee and taught several MEDREN courses, including Book History. John was scheduled to give a CMRS lecture last Spring, before COVID closed the University.
To honor John’s memory and to celebrate his life, CMRS has invited Mark Rankin, Professor of English at James Madison University, to deliver a lecture in Spring 2021 (details TBA). Mark was John’s Ph.D. student and a close friend. The two were scheduled to run an NEH seminar on Reformation print culture at OSU in summer 2021.
John is survived by his wife Pauline and their son Jonathan. We extend our deepest sympathy to them. Professor Rankin’s detailed obituary of John can be found here on the Renaissance Society of America website.