

Reconstructed house in medieval era

Lord Denney's Players Auditioning for Spring 2019 "Romeo and Juliet" Production

Lord Denney's Players are holding auditions for their fifth production, the 1597 text of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, during the second week of the spring term. Audition dates and times…

Chris Woodyard

Ghost Stories, Death Cafes and the Darker Side of Life

Chris Woodyard (BA, medieval and renaissance studies, 1976) has made a living out of her fascination with the dead. Her love of history led her to Ohio State and eventually to a degree in…


In Memoriam: Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic

The Very Rev. Dr. Mateja Matejic, professor emeritus of the OSU Slavic Department, died July 27, at age 94. His son, Professor Predrag Matejic, wrote his obituary which may be viewed below.…


CMRS Video Archive Updated

The Ohio State University Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is pleased to announce that the online video archive of our lectures has been updated. The 2016-17 and 2017-18 series are now…

David Miller

In memoriam - David Miller

David Neal Miller z"l  (1946-2018)


We honor the life of David Neal Miller. He grew up in Crown Heights within earshot of Ebbets Field. His New York roots were everything to him…

John Falstaff and MWW

William Shakespeare’s Sir John Falstaff and the Merry Wives of Windsor

William Shakespeare’s Sir John Falstaff and the Merry Wives of Windsor will be running at the Columbus Performing Arts Center (549 Franklin Ave, Columbus) from April 4th-7th, performances…


Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest

Lord Denney’s Players, the Department of English, and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies are excited to announce the Lord Denney’s Players Sonnet Contest! Submissions of individual…

Brewer class photo

The Book as Body: Judging Books by Their Covers

On, you can find the eau de parfum, Book, for $105—an exclusive fragrance designed by Commodity to meet the needs of those fat-pocketed readers who just don’t have time for real…


Howe Research Grant Competition Open until Feb. 16

Thanks to the generosity of donors to the Nicholas G. Howe Memorial Fund, the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies will once again offer competitive funding for graduate students working on…